Reflections of A Princess

Friday, February 10, 2006

Journal of A Single Gal In Q8 - Episode Thirteen

From last episode..

"Without thinking, she found herself running towards him and jumping on top of him, nearly knocking him over. That moment in time, years later, when asked what was her most romantic moment in her life, she would remember that scene often wondering if it was a dream or if it was real.

"Where would you like to go?" he whispered in her ear as she hugged him tightly, afraid he'd disappear."

She'd made up a list of all the places she wanted to go but never did end up going because the thought of doing them alone was too depressing for her. Now, the list was a gold mine!

They did exactly what a fast replay of any movie would do once they wanted the audience to know that they were having the most romantic week of their lives. They visited museums, attended plays and walked in the park. Just like any romantic movie but this time it was real. She was on top of the world.

As he sat next to her in the theatre watching "Beauty and The Beast", she wondered if he was enjoying it. It was not often that she would find a Kuwaiti man that would appreciate such an outing. She was happy that he hadn't suggested going to the London Casino or clubbing even though a part of her was curious to go but sitting next him watching the play seemed much more appealing.

They left the theatre and hailed a cab. It was raining heavily and she was suddenly feeling the dread that time was running out and they would be saying good bye soon.

His voice brought her back to reality and she heard him say "I got you something". He took out a key holder from his pocket. It was a Beauty and The Beast key holder they had been selling at the theatre as souvenirs.

She took it from him and said thank you. She couldn't recall the last time she'd met someone who was so thoughtful. She wished he'd stay longer but she knew he had an important meeting in San Francisco and there was nothing she could do about it.

"Will you come with me to the airport?" he asked.

A part of her didn't wanted to because she simply hated goodbyes period, let alone say good bye to him! Then again, she would probably just stay in since it was a Sunday and she hadn't made any plans.

"Sure," she replied.

The next day, she took the journey to London from Canary Warf by taxi to pick him up. She stared outside the window and admired the Thames. Tourists were taking the boat and her mind drifted to the past week. All those memories! What was she going to do with them? They had taken the same boat trip for a dinner cruise. It was a night that she would never soon forget. Dinner was a three course meal with a live band playing all those romantic songs. She had been dyeing to know if he was comfortable enough to dance. When the song "Crazy" by Patsy Cline came on, she looked at him and he smiled, like he knew what she was thinking. He grabbed her hand and lead her to the dance floor and they slow danced to the music. She closed her eyes wanting to capture that moment forever.

"We're about to cross under the bridge if anyone would like to watch it, they can go to the upper deck for a better view," announced the Captain.

Although it was chilly, the night air seemed fresh and inviting. The bridge was getting closer and just as they were about to go under it, he turned around and kissed her for the first time. She thought she'd stop breathing.

"Do you have your passports and tickets with you?" she asked him as he placed his luggage in the taxi. He was looking miserable but so was she.

The ride to Heathrow was a long one and she couldn't figure out if that was good news or bad news. Good that she'll have more time with him, bad that it was prolonging the agony of the whole goodbye issue.

They settled into the backseat of the taxi and he grabbed her hand and placed it in his lap. There were no words being said but there was no need. They both knew what the other was thinking.

Finally, they arrived at Heathrow and her heart began to pound. He stepped out to grab a trolley for his luggage and she stood there watching him, not able to move.

"Let's grab some breakfast, once I check in," she heard him say.

She walked next to him taking very slow steps as though she could stop time by walking slower.

"Are you going to be ok by yourself?" he asked as he sipped his coffee. He'd ordered her breakfast but she just stared at it. She just didn't feel like eating at that moment.

"Yes, I'll be fine." She wanted to continue to say, but I'm gonna miserable without you but thought the better of it.

The cafeteria was crowded with every nationality she could think of. Heathrow airport always fascinated her. She could sit for hours just watching people but today was different. She only had eyes for him and "people watching" didn't seem as entertaining.

"Last call for BA flight 078 bound to San Francisco" came the announcement. She could feel the lump in her throat. She was not going to let him see her cry. "Control yourself" she thought to herself.

He paid for the bill and grabbed his carry on bag, telling her that he's going to have to rush. Maybe it was better that way, the longer she lingered here the more miserable she became.

"You better run for it, take care of yourself" she said.

He kissed her on the forehead and she remained seated in her chair. She didn't have the energy to stand up.

"Bye then" he said.

"Bye," she replied as she watched him make a run for it.

He could no longer be seen and she turned to stare at the TV screen in the cafeteria. It was a soccer game between Italy and France. It reminded her of him. He loved soccer and had told her his favorite team was Brazil. She cursed herself for being so pathetic, everything was going to remind her of him now!

It was time to face the loneliness. She stepped outside the airport and stood in line to get a taxi. A couple infront of her began to hug and kiss. It looked as though one of them had just arrived and they couldn't keep their hands off each other. It was the last thing she wanted to see.

The line was a long one and she felt that she couldn't hold herself together anymore. She needed to be alone. She needed to have herself a good cry and then take a warm shower to make herself feel better.

"Where to Miss?" asked the taxi driver.

"How about hell", she wanted to say but instead said "Isle of Dog."

"I believe your phone is ringing" said the taxi driver as she stepped into the taxi.

She looked at the number and realized it was him. More torture she thought, just leave.

She finally answered.

"Hi, have you left already?" he asked.

"I'm just getting into the taxi," she replied miserably.

"Oh good. Wait." He answered.

Confused she asked "Why?"

"You looked so sad in the cafeteria and I just couldn't leave you. San Francisco will have to wait!"

Whatever it was that was holding onto her heart and lungs, it suddenly let go. She could breath normally again. He didn't leave, she thought to herself. How sweet it is!

To be continued...


At 3:02 AM, Blogger shosho said...


ترا قلبي ارهيف

Still, it's good to see the 'journal' back :)

At 3:48 AM, Blogger MiYaFuSHi said...

Waaaaaaay bachayteeny :<


Uff ashwa ina red!

At 5:11 AM, Blogger The Solar Alchemist said...

amayzing! sounds like your day dreams, but do you know what realy is the cool thing that reality is even better the anything we can imagin. so till the time all are dreams come true may we all dream!

At 8:34 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

ah such a tom hanks and meg ryan episode :)

(i thought he was going to kuwait not san fran)

At 9:46 AM, Blogger Baroque said...

i want that!
just as i decided i wanted to forget love and that valentine's day is around the corner, you publish this! ;p

now i am really jealous and depressed :P

At 1:42 PM, Blogger Delicately Realistic said...

Waay waaay waaaay ya ba3ad chabdy!
Ishsawaitay feeeny?
Shino hal romaaaaaance ily intay feee!
Just in time for Valentine's!
La il9ara7a it deserved the wait!
Sij ina il7ob 7ilooooooooooooooooooo!

Bs, agool, I'd like to point something out. Maybe ana fahma ghala6. Bs hes going to San Francisco right?
If so, why this then:

"Last call for BA flight 156 bound to Kuwait"

Ya36eech alf 3afya dear!

At 1:06 AM, Blogger MissCosmoKuwait said...

shosho...salamat galbich ya ba3ad chabdi....:) thanks babe!

miya...laa mosh kidda...ballash 3eya6 ya banat...dana kidda 7a7is bezamb..:)

solar just reminded me of a song..."dream..dream..dream..when I'm with you...all I have to dreaaaam...Dream..dream..dream"..:)

At 1:19 AM, Blogger MissCosmoKuwait said...

shopa...oh my God...that's amazing...just remember to think of the million tomorrow morning! So you've done the Heathrow exciting!

snookie...don't you just love a Meg Ryan...Tom Hanks movie! (It was supposed to be San Francisco...then Kuwait..:)

Charismooo...laaaa...please don't be depressed habeebti...I published it in honor of Valentine's to cheer everybody up...You're one of the most romantic bloggers around..and you always inspire me...:) cheer up...Long Live Love babe!

Clueless...thank you! Glad you enjoyed it...hope I can keep it up till the end..! :)

At 1:21 AM, Blogger MissCosmoKuwait said...

DR & Samboose...Ladies...I so admire your "gowat mola7atha" was bound to San Francisco...not Kuwait...sorry about carried away with all the romance..:)...

Happy Valentine's!

At 1:26 AM, Blogger MissCosmoKuwait said...

ok ladies....I modified it...bound to San Francisco..:)

At 5:59 AM, Blogger Baroque said...

hehe just a figure of speech ;) i loved it! miss ck, now tell me, do u really write from your imagination or is this a former experience? its so vivid, i feel as if you've been thru it or something ;)

At 11:00 AM, Blogger MissCosmoKuwait said...

Charisma...hehehe...your question got me all I've set up a poll to find out...let's see what most people think!

At 1:34 PM, Blogger Baroque said...

heeeya! i inspire people ;)
i like that ;P

At 8:47 AM, Blogger MissCosmoKuwait said...

charisma..of course you do girl! are the mother of all romance bloggers..:)

7tenths..the part is all yours...afterall...your my stand up partner in our comedy relief show..and us partners stick who'd you like your leading lady to be?

At 8:59 AM, Blogger Hashemy said...

ana agool la tewagef la tewagef ;)

At 10:49 PM, Blogger MissCosmoKuwait said...

7tenths...Natalie Portman?....good taste...excellent actress and would definately suit you...I can see the whole scene right before my eyes..:)

hashemy...welcome! 3ajabak???..:)...for a guy who's read "Banat El-riyadh" (one of my favorites)...that's a shahada a3taz feeha....we inshallah ma wagif!..:)

At 4:14 PM, Blogger The Krispy Dixie said...

7eveno?? 7adik ma9la7cheeee!! :P

misscosmo? sweet story hun! loved it :D

At 6:29 AM, Blogger A3sab said...

FINALLLY we get another episode. I thought you you were gonna quit it forever. very entertaining. pls dont take so long for the next episode

At 11:18 AM, Blogger Nooni said...

one word...

i hate you


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