To Travel or Not to Travel..that is the question....
I have two more days and then I'm off to Lebanon for a very short trip...I'd originally had reservations to London...then that blew up and I cancelled...then of course there was the idea of the beach so Sharm El Sheikh was next on the list and naturally that got the end...I was about to completely forget about the whole travel idea until my parents insisted that I join them in Lebanon where they have been for the past two months...I suppose you could say this was more of an obligation to go see them than a vacation...but still...the very thought of having to travel never seemed such a burden...on the contrary...I used to love traveling..half the fun was the excitement before traveling..the packing..etc...what the hell happened...How did we end up being here?...when going to the airport no longer feels like freedom...more like fear than freedom...then getting on the plane and looking at passengers is no longer about looking out for those who you might's more about looking at those who look suspicious...suddenly we're all FBI agents!...Although Lebanon is not the this stage..I have to laugh...what is??!...So the choice is either to remain in Kuwait....which is not so bad as long as the sandstorms don't show up again...or to get on the plane and insist that we won't let current events scare us off....afterall...I've chosen the perfect country that knows how to handle a crisis...or should I say crises!...With all the craziness they've faced..the Lebanese people never stopped living...actually their motto was...if I die tomorrow...I better have had a good time...they partied when bombs were blowing up all around them...they'd partied hard when they only had a few pennies in their who am I to complain!...Given we've had our share of tough times too in Kuwait...but these guys have seen much I guess in the's good I'm leaving to Lebanon in particular...I need to learn from the pros themselves.....To Live and Let Live! So I'm off on vacation....wish me luck!