Reflections of A Princess

Friday, April 13, 2007

Should One Get Married Anyway....

Lately life's been great...having discovered that I can manifest things by merely thinking of them (curtesy of The Secret)...everything has been wonderful...only one problem...when the Genie says "Your Wish Is My Command"...I realised that...realistically...I have everything...a good home...great parents...a job I love....financially satisfied...good on the table...blah..blah..blah....there was only one thing left...and that is to manifest the perfect man for the perfect marriage....

Having read too many books on the subject of Men and's been hard to actually ask for the perfect man...because..simply...I know the difference between Men and Women...and so..the Perfect Man...would still be....A Man...which meant...he is a man who's priority is his job not the woman in his life...when he's doing something..he'll be thinking of that one thing that he's doing rather than the woman in his life....emotions are things that are locked up and never spoken about...he'll love sports, his buddies and hanging out with them is more fun than the woman in his life...the list of differences between Men and Women is huge..not to mention endless....I see it in all couples...I see it with my parents...I see it with my married friends...and the bottom line is...the differences that exist only seem to bother the women...not the men...the men are just wondering most of the time why the women are so bugged and over emotional...especially when it comes to men's lack of understanding when women want to share...while men just want to play volleyball or something! In case any man is reading this...don't you know it's insulting to have you prefer to hang out with your friends on weekends than with the wife! Duh!'s a fact of life that we all are supposed to end up getting married...but would you get married if you knew the flaws of the whole situation before you even got to say "I do"?


At 2:08 PM, Blogger bo_sale7 said...


هالاسئلة صارلها مدة ببالي والحقيقة للحين ما عزمت ولا قدرت احسم قراري

At 3:14 PM, Blogger eshda3wa said...

depends on what u want
do this flaws overshadow the whole marrige blah blah bloo?
is marriage worth the agony?
if ur answer is yes
then one should get married anyway

ah marriage is way over rated!


At 10:02 PM, Blogger Transparently said...

No relationship is perfect, we'd be kidding ourselves if we thought so. The secret (no pun intended) to a healthy relationship is working together, loving each other, and doing the best for the sake of the relationship itself. Love is what we make it be, we shape it and form it the way we like.

At 11:40 PM, Blogger MissCosmoKuwait said... walla...hhmmmm

eshda3wa...we rock big time! "worth the agony" is the biggest dillema right now...I honestly don't know!

trans...hey there! so true...but one has to make sure that both are committed to making it work...and I do believe that is hard to find!

At 11:51 PM, Blogger The Stallion said...

Are we still mentioning "The Secret"? :P

The subject of marriage is tough and there is only one person who would be able to have the full range of answers to their questions and that's the person who is willing to get married! Why? Cause they are the only ones who know what their thought process is like!

At 1:36 AM, Blogger Transparently said...

Hey you :) Yeah, both have to be commited to make it work, not too hard to find.. if they both have the same goal, especially with regards to the relationship, then it should be okay.

At 2:14 AM, Blogger Purgatory said...

The secret , :P

The answer to your question is no.

At 7:28 PM, Blogger Ankh said...

Don't the flaws keep it interesting? wouldn't it be dull if everything was perfect?

At 1:02 PM, Blogger Baroque said...

i miss u, where the hell are u?

At 6:17 PM, Blogger hamdool said...

i don't agree 100% with
what U said honey ..
I'm a man .. & U know how much
i love tennis & all kind of
sports .. playstation & many
active things .. U know all that ..
plus that i love my work so much
.. arts & what so ever ..

& i do have many friends from
both sex .. BUT ..

I love my woman
والأولويه أكيد لها
وأحب كل شي يتنظم
I mean timing ..

At the end she is the person
i'm sharing my life & heart with.

May GOD be with U in each
single step & regards 2
all the family.

At 1:21 AM, Blogger 5roofa said...

loved ur post u said every thing a girl, a women would love to say
U GO Girl....

i think the flaw is what makes the marriage so intresting..

i mean if a man and a women were all mushi and i love u, u love me all the time with no flaws
wont it be kinda dull

lool i think soo

thanks 4 the greas post


At 3:01 PM, Blogger Wilted_Roze said...

just becareful dear then again its *3asma oo na9eeeb check my blog :(

At 5:33 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

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At 5:35 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

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At 5:38 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hey there hon,

While I do agree to it, I do think there are some men out there with enough sense. :) Well, at least I'm hoping there are!

I've been looking at my married friends and well, the married lot in general. It seems like men spend loads of time with you before marriage but yeah, slowly and continuously after the sound of the weddingbells, they seem to get so used to you, they'd do other stuff.

I also think it has to do with cultural factors. I mean East & Middle East, a lot of us don't get to really know our men before getting married. Alot of us don't actually pick out the morons we end up marrying. We've been living in such a way where we girls do our stuff and the men do their's. We're in our own gender-cliques. So yeah, this could be one of the reasons as to why men in this region hang out with their other male friends more.

But I hear ya' girl and I completely agree- spending the weekends with their friends instead of us- nuh uh. That's oh-so-unacceptable! May the flees of a thousand camels infest their balls and may their hands grow too short to scratch them! (Pardon my French!)

Guess its all about balance- strive for it or deal with itchy balls. :)

Ps. Love your entries! Very well-written!

At 3:36 AM, Blogger Pearls said...

the secret, just send it to the universe and ull get mr perfect! ;p

At 1:19 AM, Blogger Sensual Lust said...

with friends aroound u for company, the advancement of science (IVF, surrogate motherhood, artificial insemination & toys !!!) who needs men

At 8:21 AM, Blogger Oranjina fadidra said...

perfect man! dude its a fantasy Disney created making their shitty cartoons a blockbuster like wise the book industry.
anyhow, 100% full options man... baby its a dream that wont come true.. and were living the nightmare!

men are like, parking lot the GOOD ones are TAKEN, and all the rest are HANDICAPS!!


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