Reflections of A Princess

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

To Travel or Not to Travel..that is the question....

I have two more days and then I'm off to Lebanon for a very short trip...I'd originally had reservations to London...then that blew up and I cancelled...then of course there was the idea of the beach so Sharm El Sheikh was next on the list and naturally that got the end...I was about to completely forget about the whole travel idea until my parents insisted that I join them in Lebanon where they have been for the past two months...I suppose you could say this was more of an obligation to go see them than a vacation...but still...the very thought of having to travel never seemed such a burden...on the contrary...I used to love traveling..half the fun was the excitement before traveling..the packing..etc...what the hell happened...How did we end up being here?...when going to the airport no longer feels like freedom...more like fear than freedom...then getting on the plane and looking at passengers is no longer about looking out for those who you might's more about looking at those who look suspicious...suddenly we're all FBI agents!...Although Lebanon is not the this stage..I have to laugh...what is??!...So the choice is either to remain in Kuwait....which is not so bad as long as the sandstorms don't show up again...or to get on the plane and insist that we won't let current events scare us off....afterall...I've chosen the perfect country that knows how to handle a crisis...or should I say crises!...With all the craziness they've faced..the Lebanese people never stopped living...actually their motto was...if I die tomorrow...I better have had a good time...they partied when bombs were blowing up all around them...they'd partied hard when they only had a few pennies in their who am I to complain!...Given we've had our share of tough times too in Kuwait...but these guys have seen much I guess in the's good I'm leaving to Lebanon in particular...I need to learn from the pros themselves.....To Live and Let Live! So I'm off on vacation....wish me luck!

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Today's Al-Qabas Story

It's amazing that every summer one of the newspapers has to have a story about the young generation and what they're up to....Today's Qabas story was about the young guys who hang around the malls creating havoc wherever they go....I remember one time.. a few years back...I was about to enter Laila Gallery...when the security guy was telling a bunch of young boys that they weren't allowed to go exact thoughts were....poor thing...I really felt sorry for them and kept thinking..."For heaven's sake...where else can they least they're not hiding somewhere having drugs...or breaking into people's houses...being up to much worse things" the years went by....they stopped this rule....(at least for now)....and the sad part is...I now hate going to the Mall....some of them can be really nasty....getting followed is not an issue..(we got used to that)...but they now stick to you to the point that you can't breath...what is that...I hate that....and what....we're talking about boys ages 14-23.....I could be his mother for God's sake....and the of the comments are way too nasty to say...and they're sooo loud....they'd throw in a stupid comment (that isn't even funny) and they'd crack themselves up and the echoes of their laughter could be heard from the Mall to Jahra! What is that??...Grow up for heaven's sake....get a something productive with all that energy....I defended you people when you couldn't get into the I just wish they didn't even change that rule.....I sometimes wish I'd have a video camera and record their behavior and then have a big bulletin board and then push play back for the whole world to see...including their families!...Then again...some of them might think it's pretty cool their getting all this publicity....on second thought....scratch that....I don't know what would help....for now...I just wish I didn't have to spend so much money doing my shopping on line and having to wait for the mail when I could've bought the same thing from Fanar! The thought of having to get into the car....hope there won't be traffic....hope you won't get followed....hope you'll find some decent parking...hope you won't get hassled once you're in the's just way too much forget it.....On-line shopping definitely suits me just the meantime....boys...relax...if the girl wants me....she'll let you would you please leave the ones that don't want you alone...when we look bothered....we're really not playing hard to get....we really ARE BOTHERED!....So go away and play somewhere else and let the women breath...thank you very much!

Monday, July 25, 2005

A Century Year Old Problem....

Last night I saw a re-run of Oprah's show about men who cheat on their wives.....When I'd first seen what the show was about...I rolled my eyes and said...enough already with analyzing men....More re-runs on a subject that we just won't understand....paleeze! I turned off the TV before the show began (incase I'd end up intrigued) and decided to read a book instead. Funny enough, it didn't take long when the messages began from girlfriends asking if I was watching Oprah. Naturally, my curiosity got the better of me and so reluctantly I turned the TV back on....I watched.....getting a lump in my throat when the woman described how devastating it felt....and the husband holding her hand and saying that he hadn't thought how much it would hurt her.....YA THINK???!!! She had forgiven him....I personally wanted to jump into my TV set and clobber him....but...vat to do!!! Sick! I did tell my friend during the show that I just didn't want to believe that all men were like that since I'd probably never get a good night's rest for the rest of my she stated that she did know men that weren't like that...(I sighed in relief) I sincerely hope so.....Mind you...the reason I feel so passionately about it is...well....most women have been there....and it's sad when you know that men at the time aren't really thinking of you and the pain you're gonna go through!....PERIOD! why do woman always have to suffer and feel stupid when lied to?...Men may jump up and say women do it too....but I somehow sense that it must've taken a lot more from her to do it...i.e. her husband was beating her up or he's been cheating for so long, she gave up and decided this was bitter sweet revenge.....There's just too many emotions in a women's heart to get up and do this without somehow having been related to some man.....On the other aren't really thinking of anything...except...well...I won't say it but one can imagine what it is.....So...what makes a man do it?...or is it just a habit men have done for centuries and we women have yet to accept it?....Bottom line.....we always seem to get the back end of the bargain....Was it because Eve convinced Adam about the apple so our gender's been paying the price ever since? OR.....were we really powerful women many eons away and the tables turned so it's pay back time for men? Worse, were we powerful women who made men suffer and this is our karmic lesson for devious deeds we did ourselves?....Whatever it is....there must be a justified reason why the one being that brings life into this world has to suffer this way...surely this can't be fair....

Sunday, July 24, 2005

There is Hope YET!!

Ok...this is the first time I really do check out all the blogs on this site and let me just oh my what a pleasant surprise...the intelligence...the creativity...the you know how hard it's been to find these three qualities on the island I live on!

I suddently feel a lot more optimistic about the future...I've always wondered "Why can't people be normal?" so...finally....low and actually read some of the blogs and find "normal" people is a damn good surprise! I miss NORMAL PEOPLE!

What is normal you may ask? Well, someone who's intelligent...a deep thinker...someone who's...well... just plain normal! It's really hard to describe...but believe me...if you've been around for a while (life wise that is) you'd know what I mean!

So about a group hug really is nice to meet you for a change....Given I've missed out on this place for a year...but's never too late...thanks for being intelligent, creative and for making me laugh....this site ROCKS!...Tootles.....