Reflections of A Princess

Thursday, October 26, 2006


Ever wondered what F.U.C.K stands for? You probably thought it was an actual word...right? Not's actually an abbreviation...(beg to differ? Well..that's what I found out lately) stands for "Fortification Under the Consent of the King....according to history...back in the 14th century in some European one in the land could get married without the fortification of the king...which basically means..people couldn't fortificate unless he approved was such a long sentence to say "you can't get married unless you get Fortification Under the Consent of the King...and so...low and behold..they shortened it to be "you need to get F.U.C.K to get married"...hhmmm...interesting..huh?..

Now that I've explained all may think...ok so what?..It was back in the 14th century...big deal...who cares...why is she wasting our time to tell us this..well...I'll tell ya...did you know that there's a country today that requires it's citizens to get a F.U.C.K when a couple decides to marry the one they chose...believe you exists...Of course the King no doubt is a very busy man...after's a big getting the F.U.C.K will probably take the couple months on end to finally get one will marry them off unless they have the approval..they can't make plans for their wedding..they can't think about their future..I mean..what if the King is in a bad mood and doesn't feel like approving it! How sad is that?!

Yes..there are some that are blessed with freedom in their world and there are others that it gets that personal in their my dear bloggers...the next time you decide to bitch and whine about Kuwait...just hold your horses and count your could get married to whoever you wanted to (unless of course you're Mummy's boy... in which're the problem so who'd wanna marry you anyway)...but in could...I mean seriously...all you need to do to make yourself feel better when you're feeling down is just think about all the poor couples waiting for their F.U.C.K!


At 12:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

First time to hear about this....i say it nearly everyday!!! FUCK!

At 1:36 PM, Blogger Purgatory said...

walla ma 3endch salfa, post shkbora 3ala hal kelma, ana agool go bake a cake and give me some of it a7sanlech ya devil

At 1:47 PM, Blogger Dawn Fairy said...

i've always wondered where that word came from, hehe nice info :p

At 5:01 PM, Blogger Delicately Realistic said...

7abeebti :*

At 5:05 PM, Blogger Yazeed said...

wonder if its true :P

At 8:12 PM, Blogger Dr.Lost said...

umm u should reply to comments we leave ;pp read ur last post !!

At 12:42 AM, Blogger MissCosmoKuwait said...

maze...LOL! You're telling me!'re not the only one!..:) did I know you'd say that!..:)

shopa...hhhmm...interesting...let me know if you figure it out..I'd love to read it!

dawn fairy...thanks! Glad you liked it!

DR..wink....right back at ya babe! would know..:)

Dr. sorry but I was really busy and didn't get a chance to I'm replying now...miss you too! How is our Blogger Physician doin? Hope you're well and my best to your lovley shilla..:) (Liked your baby pictures on zizo's blog..cute...9 was it?)

At 4:00 AM, Blogger Purgatory said...

Because you are used to me by now.

At 6:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

well even those poeple can be thankful that the king doesn't have the right of first night :/ !

At 7:06 AM, Blogger phoenix said...

It's not if the king doesn't approve that is sad.. It's that the people have to get F.U.C.K!!
I mean thats messed up!

At 4:44 PM, Blogger Devil Finch said...

I wonder how the FUCK evolved to its current meaning?

And what an irnoy. In some places it took a FUCK to get married and in other place it takes marriage to FUCK!

At 11:18 AM, Blogger MissCosmoKuwait said...

solar alchemist...omg! Good point!..:)

phoenix...aint it the most ridiculous thing you ever heard! I mean isn't bad enough to spend years trying to find Mr. Right..only to wait for months on end to get a F.U.C.K!

Devil finch...absofuckenlooty!

At 11:34 AM, Blogger familiar_stranger said...

I always thought it meant penetration. since you "get" fucked over. it's an active verb. it gets used for the male more than the female fucking a guy. while both are in use, I mean the 1st is more common.

At 9:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read two, this post and the previous one and I couldn't comment on either! Welcome back, 3eidech embarak and hope you had a great time :P

At 6:49 PM, Blogger LiLaCs said...

whoa..What country is it that still uses the ahem fuck law?

At 3:08 AM, Blogger The Krispy Dixie said...

interesting piece of info... thanx cosmo... :P

At 12:03 PM, Blogger Spontaneousnessity said...



At 10:40 PM, Blogger A3sab said...

verrry informative missC!
how u been doin

At 12:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ahaaa.... well in many countries in the world people get their F.U.C.K. without needing any king:) and no need for marriage either:) who is complaining about kuwait anyway? only newcomers complain but once they get used to it, its not bad.

At 5:31 AM, Blogger Moi said...

Bedait a7ibbb il History hehehe!! its really interesting to see the ancient explications to modern vulgarity


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