Reflections of A Princess

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Waleed Bin Talal Or Machboos??

"You deserve a Waleed Bin Talal," this was said to me by a relative of mine after a hot argument about something or another....Flabbergasted, I asked "What do you mean?" it sounded sweet at first but I wasn't sure if it was meant to be a compliment.

"Well, you're like being do massages, manicures, pedicures and're more likely want to quit your job and let your husband spoil you. You're also sexy and deserve a Waleed Bin Talal...etc."

It was mixture of being extremely insulted but complimented all at the same time. Part of me felt that she made me sound so pathetic and the other part felt touched that she thought I deserved a millionaire. Needless to say, I was confused!

Then I got to thinking about rich men. Yes, if I saw a beautiful sports car, I do get a physical reaction and think "Oh my God, it's beautiful!" You'd think I saw a good looking man! Naturally, I never ever look inside to check the guy out. For starters, they're usually not good looking (sorry if I'm generalizing but usually they're not, I swear!)...Second, if he was good looking, I wouldn't want to have anything to do with him because RICH MEN SCARE ME!

Maybe it's my preconceived ideas of rich men. All those millions, beautiful models, sports cars and jets all at his feet...Everybody at his beck and call and he snaps his fingers and all the ladies run to's just too much for little ol' me to put up with. I just couldn't do it. I know a man's temptation that comes with being so rich. Why would they stick to one chick. True, not all men are alike but hey, if he was traveling for business and met up with Angelina Jolley, would you blame him if he had a fling? I know it's crazy for me to admit it but it's true...unless he happens to be very religious, I doubt he'll be able to resist and who would blame him.

As for religious millionaires, well, I'd have to sit and really ask "how" religious is he. If his millions are going to go to bad charity, I definitely wouldn't want to have anything to do with him, thank you very much! Besides, how many religious millionairs are there out there?!

My encounter with rich men started when I was very young. I remember having a buddy who was so rich and was constantly being fought over by the girls in school. Sadly, he was also very lonely. He just couldn't tell who really liked him and who was just using him because he was rich. Later, we kinda stopped being friends because his paranoia got on my nerves and I was just too insulted by his constant fear that I was using him for something.

In the end, I suppose we all have dreams to live the life of the rich and famous or the "Waleed Bin Talal" life...but in reality,...I'm not sure that's a dream I would want to pursue...maybe I'm crazy but a diamond ring or a fur coat after his business trip in Paris would only make me more miserable 'coz I'll know he was up to something..Call me silly but a simple guy who can't afford his own private jet but can afford ordering machboos from Bin 3ateej while we watch TV at home, definitely sounds much more appealing.......yes..I do believe other girls wouldn't give a shit what he was up to and would just be happy with the fur coat and the diamond ring..but when it comes to me..the "daloo3a" as she called me..I'd take the home delivered machboos from Hawally any time, any day pass me the dakoos please..


At 7:54 AM, Blogger Chai-7aleeb said...


At 9:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol at Chai 7aleeb.
Nice post,
And hmmmmmmmm In my own point of view .. i'd Rather stay single all along .. than to choose..and then regret what i chose.

At 11:01 AM, Blogger sexygoba said...

ahhahaha! personally I'd rather live a moderate lifestyle..rather than sit in limos, cabbies, and use drivers when I'm on vacation! It gets boring...going to nice restaurants all the time n stuff!
Unless he's super rich and adventurous! Well, there are many possibilites! It's who he is actually and not the bank account!!

:) Pass some machboos!...Fish or chicken?

At 11:30 AM, Blogger MissCosmoKuwait said...

chai-7aleeb...that's the thing...I aint ok with oughta be way or the highway I say!..:)

fayoora...thanks...I hear ya'...but then again...what is life without a risk..we can't stick to the wall hopeing that we don't make mistakes...or we'll end up leaving this life not having learnt a thing!

sexygoba...machboose diyay ofcourse!..:)...and your absolutely's who he is as a person..but richness and adventure can bring out the bad boy in him that I'd rather not see..:)

At 11:48 PM, Blogger Erzulie said...

Money makes me funny.

Personally, I hate anyone paying for me. Maybe I'm too proud but I just feel like I owe them something in return. I would rather marry someone who has a humble lifestyle. Times of pampering, for me, should be mutual i.e. a random trip to Europe for a week.

Personally, I would forgo that extra piece of jewelry and settle for a homemade CD of songs that are linked to memorable times i.e. "Remember when we were in Italy in our honeymoon; it was raining so hard and we had to go into a sketchy bar for shelter...this song was playing then."

But I guess millionaires can be thoughtful and attentive but as bad as this might sound, I kind of doubt it :/

*Erzulie grabs an extra bowl of daqoos*

At 12:23 AM, Blogger Purgatory said...

I did not see a facial description of this relative, please include in the post so we have a references compared to your previous encounters with women.

At 11:37 PM, Blogger MissCosmoKuwait said...

erzulie..."in a rich man's world"..ahaaaaaaaa...ok...back to the comment...totally agree the romance definately beats the richness...but you're people could be thoughtful...but it'll be like trying to find a needle in a hay stack!...How's the dakoos? despcription was necessary in this post..:)

shopa....ooolllaaaaa!!.....that sounds way too bitter to me....7arram 3alaich....if men said all women were sluts...we'd be mad as let's not generalize so it won't backfire..:)

At 2:21 PM, Blogger Nooni said...

alllah chicken breast with honesy mustard...bala waleed , bala 3arab bala ba6eekh.

At 8:20 AM, Blogger The Krispy Dixie said...

i concur on the hot car/not-so-hot guy thing! I have noticed that and i have spread the gospel! :P

I wouldn't mind a rich guy.. wouldn't be too concerned about him running around with other girls.. a poor man can cheat just as easily. I don't see the corellation between a man's wealth and his monogaminity (?) is that a word?

*sighs* jeez louise... I've been hanging out with 7 too long...

At 2:21 AM, Blogger Jewaira said...

A down to earth millionaire, with a sense of adventure, social responsibility, and a wicked sense of humour? Why not?
I don't want fur coats; diamonds maybe
But a man who has a positive attitude and zest for living well no matter what level - now that is appreciated :)

At 4:10 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

why marry be his Concubinage

and cheers to my brilliant selution


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