Reflections of A Princess

Thursday, October 26, 2006


Ever wondered what F.U.C.K stands for? You probably thought it was an actual word...right? Not's actually an abbreviation...(beg to differ? Well..that's what I found out lately) stands for "Fortification Under the Consent of the King....according to history...back in the 14th century in some European one in the land could get married without the fortification of the king...which basically means..people couldn't fortificate unless he approved was such a long sentence to say "you can't get married unless you get Fortification Under the Consent of the King...and so...low and behold..they shortened it to be "you need to get F.U.C.K to get married"...hhmmm...interesting..huh?..

Now that I've explained all may think...ok so what?..It was back in the 14th century...big deal...who cares...why is she wasting our time to tell us this..well...I'll tell ya...did you know that there's a country today that requires it's citizens to get a F.U.C.K when a couple decides to marry the one they chose...believe you exists...Of course the King no doubt is a very busy man...after's a big getting the F.U.C.K will probably take the couple months on end to finally get one will marry them off unless they have the approval..they can't make plans for their wedding..they can't think about their future..I mean..what if the King is in a bad mood and doesn't feel like approving it! How sad is that?!

Yes..there are some that are blessed with freedom in their world and there are others that it gets that personal in their my dear bloggers...the next time you decide to bitch and whine about Kuwait...just hold your horses and count your could get married to whoever you wanted to (unless of course you're Mummy's boy... in which're the problem so who'd wanna marry you anyway)...but in could...I mean seriously...all you need to do to make yourself feel better when you're feeling down is just think about all the poor couples waiting for their F.U.C.K!

Saturday, October 21, 2006

The Weakness of Arab Men...

After watching ramadhan episodes...of Hamda being screwed over by Bu Mubarak when he married the horny little shit next was obvious that her scheme had worked but in the end he realized he really loved basically he only wanted the other one so he could get layed....only to end up regretting it...

I remember a book I read a very long time ago about the Mossad in Israel called "By Way of Deception" was written by an ex-Mossad who had been trained to spy on Arabs...during his training he mentions in his book that they had to study the average Arab personality the end they were told that the best way to make an Arab man fall down on his knees is to bring a beautiful women to mesmirize him..(what a reputation!)....they actually used this strategy by recruiting beautiful women who'd work undercover pretending to be the Arab man's girlfriend....

In other words, as the Arab man was getting layed, he'd pour out all sorts of classified information to her then when he'd doze off for his ten minute nap... she'd take pictures of a map of a secret nuclear plant that some Arab country hoped to complete...the Israelis would then identify the exact location of such a plant and would bomb it the next day...(look it up in's all there)...

So...Are Arab men that weak that it's that easy to lure him into such a trap?...and..if the Israelis know that the secret to an Arab man's heart is women..what makes an Arab man so weak infront of women that he risks everything else??

Is it romance?...I mean history tells us that Arabs come from a line of great poets..or is it just plain sex?..they have extra hormones than the average Joe...or is it because they haven't been exposed enough to the opposite sex (which can't be true if they all end up at Marina Mall half the time)...Seriously..what makes an Arab man so weak in front of women??

Thursday, October 19, 2006

HELP....Anybody Into Advertising?

Frustrated out of my mind with the number of Advertising Agencies in Kuwait..I mean there's like every corner and all claiming to be the best...but when it comes down to it...they suck! They take your text and place it on a paper and say it was creative...oh that I could've gone to a printer for that..duh??!

What's worse is when it comes to translating English to Arabic...everybody tells you that the best translation office is so and so and then you take a look at their work and you know you could've done better....why didn't I open up my own Advertising agency...why didn't I open up my own translation office...the answer is...I'm too busy at my job to do that!

So help me out please...who is the best Advertising Agency in Kuwait..and if you know of a good translation office which one is it?

My blogger are my last help a chick in need...:)..thanks!

Thursday, October 12, 2006

7areem willa 7ameer?

Standing by the counter at Starbucks ordering his usual drink he turned to ask her what she'd like to have.

She hardly knew him but he was cousin of a friend so she figured conversation with him wouldn't be harmful, besides, he was cute. The typical female thought of "what if?" came to mind.

"I've been really busy with work and stuff, you know 7areem receptions and stuff," she blubbered. She tended to do that whenever she faced a cute guy. Her shyness would be covered with repetitions of words that could be avoided in a sentence.

"7areem?" he said "You mean 7ameer."

She thought she'd heard it wrong "Did you say 7ameer?" she asked.

"Eee 7ameer, sorry bass el 7areem ehnee 7ameer" he answered quite frankly.

"Which I guess makes all mean Echlab then?" she answered accusingly.

"True, I won't argue there. All men are Chlab" he answered.

She'd seen him at Starbucks quite a few times and watched him as he worked intensely on his laptop. She'd admired his physique while he worked out at the gym. When her friend introduced him to her, his politeness and modestly seemed different than the average Joe (or Mohammed in this case). Having stated that all women were 7ameer, she felt all admiration go down the drain and decided to be blunt about it.

"weee, 7asafa, kint mo3jaba o al7een sa7abt e3jabee kilah. Too bad," she said with a sarcastic smile.

"Entee embayen 3alaich shiriya," he replied.

Funny she thought to herself, he accused all women of being 7ameer and she was the one being accused of being shiriya.

It was time to move on she thought as she took the coffee he had just paid for and thanked him for it. He obviously was not moved at all by their conversation yet she was pleased with herself. The realization that her theory was always right that cute men who hang around Starbucks are usually just as superficial as they look remained to be true.

Luckily, at that moment she bumped into her favorite blogger friend and as conveyed to her the story, she was happy to hear DR say "entay shariya?? 7'alee walee!" Spoken like a true friend, what could she ask for more!!