Reflections of A Princess

Monday, August 22, 2005

Stop The Press...

I was reading yesterday's Al-Qabas newspaper and there it was..yet again..another sorry story about a girl who graduated from "foreign" schools and how she's now divorced...blah..blah..blah...this must've been the third story I read about marital problems and "the girl had graduated from madaris ajnabiya"..shino ya3ni??

The sad thing is...I know what they're trying to say....The eyebrows go up like they know something that you don't..." graduated from foreign schools??" can see them picturing a life of sex, drugs and rock'n'roll!!..why do they instantly believe that the person is "raye7 feeha...or...weee min hathala"...I mean..what is that?? So we graduated from foreign what? Does that make us in anyway really different..Are we that backward to believe that education at foreign schools instantly makes us have no values versus the 7ekooma schools??..(with all due respect to those that graduated from them..)

We all know the percentage of divorce in Kuwait is high...must the press presume that they know why?!!! Although foreign schools have been popping up all around the end of the day...we're still not that why is the assumption of being "graduated from foreign schools" the justification of the divorce rate!

Are we always the ones to blame for everything?...worse...Are we forever to feel as though we ourselves are foreign in our own country?!


At 1:01 AM, Blogger Hopeless Poet said...

I graduated from government school and I am still single! And my friends graduated with me and they are married!
I don't see any relationship between schools and marriage or divorce!
But I need to look at the curriculum of those foreign schools to give a good judgement :P

At 1:05 AM, Blogger Spontaneousnessity said...

maybe what they meant that "even though she's way too smart she still got a divoce" hehe!

I mean it's not like kids in regular schools are not going wild in their own ways! it's actually worse in reg schools since it's one gender you'd see them turning into homosexuals! they just want to make a fuss and they don't know how :)

At 2:12 AM, Blogger MissCosmoKuwait said...

hopeless poet...they're trying to say that they aren't cultural enough and so the man gets fed up with her "western" ways..

Spont..hehe..good one! You're right about the regular schools..(I just didn't wanna go there..but we all know what goes on around there sometimes!)

At 2:30 AM, Blogger 2 Second Club ® said...

If you are gonna be frustrated every time you encounter such things, ra7 ette3been.. I am sure you have a great self-esteem, no need for these ignorant fools to put you down and/or bring you up.. you know who you are, and what you are made of.. that’s what counts.. :)

At 2:44 AM, Blogger MissCosmoKuwait said...

The don...thanks big're right...who cares what they think! are soo right as usual!...Sometimes I think our upfrontness gets misunderstood as ray7a feeha...although the chick who's playing the timid part and really IS ray7a feeha gets to get away with!

At 2:46 AM, Blogger 2 Second Club ® said...

Samboose, (Not every look from a guy means "hey baby let's get it on")

Why don’t you try and convince the girl sitting in front of my office that ? :PP

At 3:07 AM, Blogger MissCosmoKuwait said...

The know...if you're not that into her..this chick infront of our office...she sure is on you mind a lot...;)

At 3:08 AM, Blogger Hopeless Poet said...

I don't think they are more aware because they went to mixed schools and others are naive and dumb because they went to governmental schools! I think it all depends on the person and how he or she learns!
Both school systems have pro and cons and I don't think any of them can make you good or bad! You make yourself!
And about those who go to government schools and do the bad things, I think they are the same students in foreign schools who do the bad things! And it is like any organization! Not fully angels and not fully demons!

At 3:13 AM, Blogger MissCosmoKuwait said...

hopeless's true that we are all individuals that are different...but the problem is on average people presume things about those that graduated from foreign schools..whether high school or universities abroad..

At 3:20 AM, Blogger Hopeless Poet said...

Is it because we apply: When in Rome, do what the Romans do, and that is when we go outside or foreign schools and when we return home we still think we are in Rome?? Not that I fully agree with applying that say anyway!

At 4:30 AM, Blogger Temetwir said...

i studied in a "foreign" school, and i know exactly what u mean when u say they picture a life of drugs, sex and down to even dress style

most evident from the guys who i just got to know, for example at the gym, they immediately go "mn sejek? mo layeg 3alaik kelesh madresa khasa" when i tell them, im not sure whether thats because i dont act gay or because at7acha q8i 3aady mo kel shway gaa6ly kelma engelaizi .. and the 2nd question is ALWAYS "thabe6na, 3endek wa7da zayda mn madresatkom?"

in my days, i would agree that u CAN make a difference between most medaris khasa guys and el 7ekoma.. the places they hang out at, the type of clothes they wear.. hell, the HAIR was the speciality of the 'foreign' school guys ..

but now? u cant really tell the difference .. looks/thinking, everything is the same .. ofcourse, im talking about the peers who are the same in so many different ways regardless of where they study

schools have NOTHING on a person as long as s/he is getting the "right amount" of attention at home.. NOTHING

that being said, i do sometimes come across some boys/girls who i just wanna smack because of the way they walk, talk and dress.. but like i said above: u can never tell nowadays whos who since theyre the same

At 4:40 AM, Blogger MissCosmoKuwait said...

notwithoutmyheels...thanks..glad you like it!

temetwir...times have changed...I agree...but when it comes to the press...they always seem to squeeze those words in that's the reason...if you know what I mean...

hopeless poet...when in rome?? doesn't apply...definately..:)

At 5:38 AM, Blogger shosho said...

That's outragious!

I recall this is how the KU segregation law came about. I started seeing people complaining about mixed KU until the law was passed. Allah yaster.

At 7:20 AM, Blogger A3sab said...

i dont know how i missed this post,
just wanted to add that what goes on in govt schools is way much sleezier than what happens in foreign schools.
its a known fact that govt schools are a breeding ground for lesbians and gays(no offense)just because they have no access to the opposite sex.

Ba3dain, from what i see we are more aware of how we should be treated and we do tend to be more assertive in that respect whether in the house or at work.


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