Reflections of A Princess

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Investigation By MissCK

Ok's the deal...I'm working on a case here in Timbaktu and I need your advise...the case has been hard to here are the hard evidence...

I'll have to start with some history so you'll get all the facts...Timbaktu is a town that's had it's hard times...they've been working hard to improve their people so they've decided to get the baby generation all intelligently least that was the original order to do that they decided to change the curriculum in the schools...improve an international language that has proven important in the world...and typical of Timbaktu...they created a committee...this committee, Sparky, consisted of very high caliber individuals...people with Phd's in linguistics, psychology, etc...I won't go into details so I'll get straight to the forward to six years...the children now know zero about this language...I did what any other investigator would do...I interviewed those's what they said:

Cross Examination One: I quit the committee the first six months because I knew that this committee was more about egos than the cause...I'm now stuck with teachers and parents yelling at me because these books that were created don't have manuals to show them how to teach the kids...(half way through the interview, we're interuppted by a mother passing by who recognizes the witness ..."please help me" she says..."my daughter is smart but the books aren't helping her to excel...what shall I do" witness looks at her and says "you're not the only one...the entire Timbaktu generation is suffering...the only advise I can give you is to get her a private tutor"...she looks at me and says "I get this everyday at my office..parents and teachers...I think I'll quit my job"

Cross Examination Two: I quit six months ago...I have a PhD but I'm from the younger ones in the committee so when I stated that these books were wrong and that the kids were suffering...they just pushed me aside because of my I'm stuck in another job...I know it's awful that I quit but I had no choice..they pushed me to it...Just between us, I think somebody was getting money on the side from the company creating these books...I can't understand any reason why they'd want Timbaktu's children to grow up not knowing this language...sorry but I'm very passionate about this.

( was a pity for me to know that such a passionate individual would lose the battle even though I could tell that this individual had given her all before quitting)

Cross Examination Three: Yes, I'm glad you came to see case you don't know..I'm the Head of the Board. I have a PhD you know. Here's my CV (she hands me a heavy document). Anybody who tells you bad things about the books is just jealous of me because I am the Head of the Board. The company has done a great job at creating these books. You can take a look at the book. I know that experts have been brought in to evaluate these books but they've all been influenced to write negative things about these books because of the others. They're just evil. Please take a copy of my CV and see that I know what I'm talking about. I'm the Head of the Board you know.

("I'm the Head of the Board" was repeated 100 times, need I say)

Sparky, I took a look at the books and they just have pictures in them so no parent or teacher would know how to teach these kids unless they had a manual which doesn't seem to exist.

Now, after six years, the children in Timbaktu in Primary five who have been taught by these books can't speak the language which is enough proof that these books are all Sparky with all this evidence...What do you suggest I should do?....I believe the Government of Timbaktu is aware of all of this..but to get a new syllabus will be very costly....I may be able to persuade my organization to supply a better curriculum but then my organization has always been accused of interrfeering in things that doesn't concern I'm desperate Sparky..What do you think I oughta do? Knowing that Timbaktu's future generation lies in my hands, I feel responsible to do something but I just don't know what?!!!...

So Sparky...can you help? This is one case that I find I've become emotionally involved in..I know..I know..I shouldn't get emotionally involved but these kids deserve better and it would be a pity that they're being ignored simply because of a committee who was possibly bought off or worse because of ego issues...know what I mean? Oh well...I look forward to your advise Sparky and the sooner the better...Thanks mate...!

P.S. Please keep this confidential, the people of Timbaktu are very sensitive people...they may not appreciate hearing about this..even if the future generation is at let's just keep this between


At 3:30 PM, Blogger Blogger said...

3ad Sparky?

At 12:09 AM, Blogger MissCosmoKuwait said...

sty...bass hatha who? other comments??

At 12:52 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Point taken... wow... Politics, screwing things up since its conception.

At 11:47 AM, Blogger Peach said...

The children of Timbaktu are doomed! I say open the cages and let 'em all out into the blue where they become thier own teachers.

At 12:45 PM, Blogger MissCosmoKuwait said...

Wills...welcome..true...true..true...politics should be listed under dirty words! (how's your arabic lessons going?)

Samboose...thanks..actually all evidence shows that the kids are at the wrong level but nobody wants to change the curriculum 'coz it's too expensive! I guess Timbaktu will only realize this when it's too late...typical of Timbaktu..don't you think?

Peach...thanks babe...but let's suppose this was happening in could I get them out of their cages and into the blue??

At 12:47 PM, Blogger A3sab said...

Oh this seems very familiar, basically the situation in Timbaki applies to Kuwait.
In what way you might ask? Kuwait's Arabic language curriculum in addition to other subjects SUCKS!! Our young can't speak their mother language properly (I mean proper classical Arabic) and unfotunately neither can I.

At 12:55 PM, Blogger MissCosmoKuwait said...

A3sab! Thanks for your input and for picking up on the question remains...isn't there a way to save the younger generation from knowing their own language or any other language for that matter?!!

At 4:26 PM, Blogger Peach said...

hehe That's what I mean. Get 'em outta Kuwait! lol

At 4:30 PM, Blogger Peach said...

Seriously speaking, put the love of reading into your young, that's how I learned & loved both languages. Books are language's best friend, not to mention ours, suposadly ;)

At 8:56 AM, Blogger Temetwir said...

who is "I" ?

At 1:11 AM, Blogger Blogger said...

Who are you? :P

Ok sorry just messing about.

Cosmo: Wala 3ad theres nothing else to say except all ye7am 7alhoum. Seriously, people are so egotistical here it's not funny. Oo la it7awleen with the Education here all they will say is. "i7na miqtan3een ib hal netham la2ina masheen 3alaih for years."

Ba3dain, the system is not fully to blame, have you seen the people who go to public schools. Actually correction..Are there people who go to public schools!!!

Most of the time "sa7been 3al dawam" wila ma yro7oon class oo il wakeel ythabi6houm bil 7ithoor. Thats what most of my friends used to do.

And private schools in Kuwait..Ya jema3a mako wa7da mtihil 5alg allah. Ya il Administration zbala..or the people there zbala.

Allah yaster :)

Is this the comment you were looking for? :P

At 1:42 PM, Blogger Natalie said...

You cited 2 big problems: politics and ego. But I also sense a lack of leadership and no real commitment to the young. Unfortunately, you can't teach leadership and it's hard to get over ego. The parent who questioned the material should join forces with the investigator. There's strength in numbers and perhaps together they can forge change.


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