Reflections of A Princess

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Your Advise Please...

Granted some people only care for money and are very be am I at times...but if you had a choice between a career that pays you less and can get on your nerves for many reasons that I couldn't even begin to tell you but is prestigious and is in of itself quite self fulfilling...or a career that doesn't sound very tedious with logistics more than you care about but may end up adding more Dinars to your account....which one would you chose?


At 2:10 AM, Blogger Purgatory said...

The one with less work.

At 3:22 AM, Blogger Closet Diva said...

I'd do the tedious, less stress free, and more financially rewarding job..

At 3:34 AM, Blogger Nunu-San said...

The one with less work and more money.

At 3:43 AM, Blogger Nooni said...

is the secound one (with more money) a new company? or will they give you a higher possition that they will pay you more?

why are they paying you more?

if you got answers for these you will know where to go to.

at the end having extra cash with a company that is new and ambicious is worth working in.(in my opinion) at least you can save the extra cash or start your own bussines.

BUT if it will pay more with less work ... you will be really bored and it will be a must to have another bussines to take care of .

At 3:46 AM, Blogger Nooni said...

ma3aleech minhoum ...what are you going to do with less work?

i mean as an employee all you do in your day is work and then when you finish your working hours you start your life... so imagin if you go to work every morning with nothing to do just few papers and your day will end boring without any achievements then you go home and start your normal life.

i mean if you don't like your job you shouldn't be in it. I believe one should love their job to be able to wake up every single morning and follow the same routin every single day. i hope you get what i mean.

At 3:47 AM, Blogger Nooni said...

oh BTw listen to this song (reasons for UB40 ) :)

its so you

have a great week

At 5:54 AM, Blogger The Stallion said...

You know my stance when it comes to this issue! :o)

At 6:35 AM, Blogger iDip said...

Just choose the one you find yourself more in/with.

I -for example- quitted my ex-job, and started a new one with less money, but I find myself in it.

I don't know if it was my luck, but I ended -a year later- with more money.

So always look for a job that makes you "yourself"!

At 7:15 AM, Blogger 3baid said...

Pick the job that you prefer waking up every morning to go to.

At 1:21 PM, Blogger Danah said...

I'd pick the one that makes me feel good. If it's the job that pays more then the extra money will just be a bonus. If it's the job that pays less then I wouldn't have a problem with it.

Either way, good luck :)

At 2:48 PM, Blogger Dr.Lost said...

less stress.. man enjoy life, money aint everything.. i know u're thinkin"isnt he a dr coz he wants 2 make money? answer is noooo, had i known what id be goin thru i wouldnt have entered medicine, so not worth the money! so point is, go for what makes u happy :)

At 3:06 PM, Blogger Nooni said...

Dr. Lost: if being a Dr. makes lots of money ..then all those investors would've been dr's instead of financial managers etc.
medicine doesnt pay specially in kuwait being a teacher will pay more than a non specialized Dr. .. mo chithy :)
passion should be there for a dr.

i'm loving this topic i just can't stop checking comments every few :)

At 3:37 PM, Blogger Temetwir said...

real money doesnt come from salary, so ur better at choosing what will be easier for u to attend to in the sense of 'awnas'/'arya7' regardless of the pay

ps: i for one dont know what u mean by prestigious

At 1:08 AM, Blogger tazmanian devil said...

this is a tough one ... but i wud rather do some thing i am interested in and inclined towards than do a job that doesnt grow me as a person .... but just the bank balance ....

At 6:11 AM, Blogger Hanan said...

Money money money
Always Sunny
In the rich man's (or woman's)world.

A job with less to do and lesser self-esteem can be damaging to your health and might lead to depression. And what's money without sound health in body and mind?

At 8:20 AM, Blogger A3sab said...

there are other factors you should consider. I changed my first job for one that pays less but i never regreted my decisoin because i hated that job i couldnt stand it as for the new job it was what i wanted to do from the beginig despite lower salary.
Plus you have to think wether you really need the extra cash or not.

At 2:27 PM, Blogger Nunu-San said...

I love you ;*

At 1:02 AM, Blogger MissCosmoKuwait said...

purg...I think work always runs after me....somehow every job ends up with me being overworked...!

CD and NuNu..interesting..I'm exloring that option..we'll see..

Judy..different career all together is one of the answers..I don't think it'll be less work to the point of boredom..just not as demanding as the other job.. money...:) me the money!

At 1:27 AM, Blogger MissCosmoKuwait said...

idip...I couldn't agree with you more...but ever been in a position when you used to know yourself and then suddenly don't know exactly what you want?...right's a very "me" job...but it's causing me to be too overworked, over stressed, back aches, no social life, no personal time, basically sometimes I feel something's gotta give..

3baid...good point...right now..I'm too busy to be able to think whether I want to get up for this job or not!

dandoon..I love the job I'm doing but knowing that I'm so over worked and not being paid enough pisses me off and keeps me in a bad mood!

Dr. lost..I definately feel that a less stressful job is a better option since one's health is priority one...but it's such a big decision to just get up and go...hopefully it'll come to me...

temetiwir...sometimes awnas is not necessarily arya7...which is where this dilemma is coming for the an example let's say you worked for an oil company (presitgious)'re a partner in a garage...pretigious versus the possibility of more money since it's a private business and could make loads of money...

7tenths...thanks for the're right..I find it very hard to leave my current job...I do love what I do...but it really is getting to be too demanding and stressful...and that's when you think to it worth it!?? in terms of both health and money...know what I mean?

windwalker...very good point...I asked myself the same question..right now..I've honestly learnt a lot...and it stops there..I don't think there is more to learn from my current job...however..the other one would give me the opportunity to enter a whole new career and see a complete different side of business...

Samboose...very about the seeing myself in that job...well...I sometimes see myself in many jobs...but it just aint the same than when you're in it...sa7?

tazmanian devil...right on both cases the interest is there...they're just completely different types of interests...

a3sab...absolutely...but it's not about having the extra cash as much as being in a job that is so stressful and knowing that you should be paid more for all the crap you put up with...

NuNu...habeebti...the feeling is mutual..:) would be damaging to one's health...but I don't think in both cases that the low self esteem would apply..i totally agree that health is priority one...which is why I'm considering the other job which I am predicting would be less stessful..


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