Reflections of A Princess

Monday, April 10, 2006

What's the Time Mr. Wolf?

It's been rush, rush, rush in my life and I can't believe how time is flying. Who would believe it's April! Summer is around the corner and where did the time go?

Is it just me or is everybody rushing as I am? Why is the saying "tarketh, tarketh kal we7oosh...3'air rizgak ma te7oosh!" keep playing in my head?

Sometimes I'm rushing so much that I ask myself "Are we there yet?" and wonder to myself...will I ever get there?...and where is it that I'm trying to get to anyway?! Who knows?! Is it in the stars, (Mercury in my sun!) or is the rest of the world as busy as I am these days?

I have a friend who's always leaving the house late which aggravates me 'coz I always like being on time. The weird thing is, she ends up being on time too. Some say that we are the owners of our own time. If we say, "I have plenty of time" then we do. Am I just rushing myself mentally? Can I really have more time, if I just wished it?


At 12:22 PM, Blogger iDip said...

People do frequently rush themselves, some for a reason, some for the sake of “rush”.

Even sometimes, it’s just ideas that rush in our minds, it’s like you’re standing still, but your mind is so occupied by a chain of endless things & ideas that won’t go away, then you find yourself thinking about nothing, simply because you didn’t give each idea the proper time & consideration. Well that’s me recently, filled with ideas, but with no clear way to organize them & sort them out…… I’ll figure out a way :)

I don’t know if what I wrote above is clear, or it was just me being rushed by the idea of “time vs. rush”.

At 9:18 PM, Blogger The Stallion said...

I guess we all have been pretty busy lately! Whether it was work, family, friend. or whatever I've been running around like a chicken with it's head cut off despite not having my own means of transportation!

As for your friend, maybe she's like me! I leave the house on time to get to my appointments early! Late for me is getting there on time! Despite leaving the house later than I am supposed to I tend to take the long route to where I am going knowing that there will be less congestion/traffic and I would get there at the same time or earlier than someone who left the house on time and took the regular route! Get my drift?!

At 11:27 PM, Blogger Nooni said...

what are you talking about.!! there are people who have 300 lectures to give around the world in 365 days!

now do you really feel we are out of time?

honetly i do.. sometimes i just wish the clock can stop for a moment or too just to stop me in my place and think..think and do more thinking...oh i miss being on airplanes ;its the only time i use my brain to think.

We have to rush or non of our work will be done and no money will be in our pockets.

dear you can be on time you are usually before the time :)

At 11:45 PM, Blogger tazmanian devil said...

i feel the same way ... i have been running around like a headless chicken .....

trying to juggle between work ... taking ... parents out .. ... and acquiring visas ....
and i thought a week or so would be enough to show them around and take them to my fav places .... but damn i was so wrong.... now i am running out of time to do EVERYTHING .....
this has been the busiest months ever .... full of change ...excitment ... NO TIME :P

At 5:05 AM, Blogger Baroque said...

tell me about it!
i wish there was more than 24 hrs in a day!

At 3:36 PM, Blogger Dr.Lost said...

misscosmo: sooo true !! i hate havin 2 think i got finals comin up in les than 2 months :( we need moooooore time !!

7tenths: remind me 2 kick u in the face the next time i c u :)

At 3:38 PM, Blogger Nunu-San said...

Whoa!! La I think you're rushing yourself mentally!! Bes this doesn't mean that time is not flying. Cause I totally agree.. We can't finish all our work in one day!

At 9:34 PM, Blogger MissCosmoKuwait said...

idip...I couldn't agree with you more! Sometimes I just want to say to my head...SHUT UP!...A million thoughts rush through it as I rush through life!...I appreciate your philosophy my dear..:)

Stallion..I do get your drift my boy!...Hope you solve your transportation issue asap! I decided to take the long route last night and take my time...and what do you know..I got there on time and didn't feel felt great!

At 9:38 PM, Blogger MissCosmoKuwait said... true but so easier said than done! Wonder if things would slow?!

Judy Abbot..LOl...I love the airplane hit it on the dot! It is the best time to think! someday I'm going to discover why I hate being late so much...and maybe then people will stop teasing me about it!..:)

At 9:44 PM, Blogger MissCosmoKuwait said...

tazmanian...I'm telling must be something in the's endless running around...I guess as long as you're helping someone while you're running makes all the least you've done some good!..:) walla!..:) see you're still practising for your stand up comedy!...Nice to know that you haven't lost your touch!..:)

At 9:47 PM, Blogger MissCosmoKuwait said...

NuNu..i do think I'm rushing myself mentally...but I feel so much better knowing that I'm not alone with the time issue...if the end is near..I guess these are the signs! What a sad thought! think??!

At 10:36 PM, Blogger MissCosmoKuwait said...

Dr. Lost..can you imagine?! It's amazing to think that once the summer's here...we start thinking that Ramadhan is around the corner! I mean, it was just can that be possible!


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