Reflections of A Princess

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

3eed with AbdulMajeed

I can't believe Ramadan is finally over. It took me a while to actually absorb this fact and realize that life does actually go on once it is over! For a while I was having my doubts!

This Eid, I decided that I was going to celebrate it in some way that I can remember it i.e. to be able to remember it as the year I did this, whatever this may be! With that in mind, I decided to go with my family and friends and attend the Abdul Majeed Abdulla concert at the Sheraton.

With a3ab taking her kids to the park and seeing that side of Kuwait, Commercial Delight meeting up with relatives she hardly knew, I figured this other side of Kuwait was worth checking out.

Tickets were being sold for KD 100, KD 80, KD 60 and KD 40! I couldn't believe it but then again...desperate times called for desperate measures. If people were limited for choices, the business people took advantage. Typical!

Frankly, I do love Abdulmajeed but KD100 was ridiculous so we ended up going for the KD 60 which was still ridiculous but then again I wanted that something special so what the hell.

I started getting ready early. I knew such an event would require the extra make up to be part of the norm. I'm not an eyeshadow person but I enjoy being a chameleon and if the crowd was going to paint their faces tonight so was I! Besides, all those MAC and Bobby Brown products had to be used sometime!

Coming from a family that is always on time, we naturally arrived way too early! The ticket said 9:30 and we walked in at 10:00 and there was hardly anyone there. The buffet was open and people were asked to eat before the performance which ended up starting at 11:30 with Isma3eel Karam. We yawned and yawned, not that he wasn't any good but all we wanted was actually Abdulmajeed!

When he finally showed up, it was 12:30 pm and I did my ritual of complaining why do us Arabs always believe that the later the show the better. If you're in Egypt, the best part of the show would most likely start at 2:00 am, if you're in Lebanon, it's the same thing. What is it about this ridiculous habit, I just don't understand! My friend contributed that it was a great way to brag to your friends who didn't get to go that "we didn't get home till dawn!" hence it meant that we had a much better time than they did..sick excuse but I think she had something there!

Although I was there to watch Abdulmajeed and he was great as usual, the best part was actually checking out the crowd. This side of Kuwait was an absolute blast to watch. Everything glittered! Glittery vests, glittery belts, glittery skirts, glittery make up, glittery jewerly. Having put on that extra layer of make up, I thought I'd really out done myself but I lost terribly compared to the amount of make up that was on display on the ladies faces. All in all it was a lovely fashion show that showed me what was in and what was out!

In the end, we had a wonderful time. The only real problem was that we had to share four chairs with two other couples who looked like they'd just had a fight in the car and were totally miserable. I was very much tempted to ask if someone had beaten them up before they arrived. It felt odd to be clapping for Abdulmajeed while they sat right next to us looking like statues.

Both girls were very pretty but had such a miserable look on their faces, I actually felt it ruined their beauty. The two guys with them spent most of the time giving us girls a look that said "hey, check me out". So much so that I was very much tempted to tell the girls "could you tell the guy with you to stop staring" but then I figured she looked miserable enough so there was no need.

In closure, I was happy that I'd done something different this year and got to check out what that side of Kuwait was doing. I stored it in my files of experience that I hope to utilize the next time round i.e make sure no one gets to share our table, dress up like a Christmas tree, add an extra ton of eyeshadow and sit like a statue! On second thought, I think I'll stick to attending Arabic concerts in Lebanon, bet you a million you won't see one person sitting on their chair let alone being a statue!


At 11:38 AM, Blogger Baroque said...

hehe ;)
glad u had fun!

Ps. kuwaitis don't only wear glitter and look like christmas trees at parties.. they practically live in glitter.. it's weird seeing a girl decked out ritzy and glam going shopping ;P

At 4:07 PM, Blogger Delicately Realistic said...

Welcome back!
Glad you enjoyed yourself luv. :*
I love Isma3eel Karam, he's great in weddings. You just cant stay put!
Oh, and its cuz Arab's y7iboon ilsahar. :)

At 4:55 PM, Blogger Temetwir said...

im just glad ur back to ur sunny-self:)

and btw, im officially CONFUSED after reading ur post, all the "thats" u used make me immediately imagine the structure and breaking down and noding and the theories the principles the parameters.. lets just say reading ur post was the equivelant of reading a nuclear physics paper at this particular time :/

ps: u better have some good reasons for not publishing episode 10 .. dam ena ma7ad yab seera i might as well just come out and say it :)

At 3:01 AM, Blogger MissCosmoKuwait said...

Charismooo...shlonich habeebti!...I know what you mean about the shopping...chinhum ray7een 3ers!

DR...7ajiya....miss you..:)...I love Isma3eel karam too..china we should go to a wedding together and he's that irritating commercial would say!...:)

temetwir...I liked the "nuclear physics" are too funny! I am currently working on episode 10 but life has been in the sorry...with your comment I am determined to work overtime and get it done soon...afa 3alaik enta tu2mor amer..:)

Samboose...I figured you'd know exactly what I mean..:)...I like the smiling theory..afterall they did say that smiling is contagious..I'll try it out..:)...and episode 10 coming up soon..:)..ya3ni...season break!..:)

At 3:55 AM, Blogger 3baid said...

"Besides, all those MAC and Bobby Brown products had to be used sometime!"

LOOOL!! Fair enough ;P

Good to know you've been enjoying your time, Miss Cosmo 3alaich bil 3afya! :D

At 4:08 AM, Blogger Closet Diva said...

I've never been to an arab concert in Kuwait, and I've always wondered what happens there..Do people get up and dance near their tables? Do they at least clap and sing along? Do they move around other tables and socialize and meet other people? Hmmm...

Its a cool thing that you went and tried it out :)

At 7:20 AM, Blogger MissCosmoKuwait said...

3baid..thank you! Allah ye3afeek..

CD..I think it would be a great experience for you..provided you can listen to the music without dancing since "no dancing allowed!"'ll find some tables are clapping (mostly a group of older ladies sitting on their own....or a group of possibly a whole diwania doing sharbika!)...others like I said being there to be seen and sitting like statues...naturally the moving around is a key know you're bound to see someone you the flaunting and display of glitter and clothes is done either when strutting to another table to say hello or (wentee eb karama) going to the bathroom..:)

Grandma funk...honey sorry you feel this way...didn't realise he grossed you out so much...bass hathee '7elkat rabna afterall..wa al7imdilla 3ala kullee 7al..

At 2:48 PM, Blogger A3sab said...

You definitely had a better time than i did hon, tistahlain. Ilove abdulmajeid and i hate people who sit at a concerts ew mitsamteen.

At 12:19 AM, Blogger MissCosmoKuwait said...

a3sab...thanks habeebti..and I know exactly what you mean...wouldn't it be fun if a bunch of us bloggers went Eid!

Samboose...darlin'..of course I did it on purpose...are you doubting my poetry skills...heheehhe!

At 8:31 AM, Blogger Temetwir said...

misscosmo feech ilkhair mayamir 3alaich 3ado, chairz :)

At 10:30 PM, Blogger Puppylove said...

hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Miss CK
i wish i knew about the gabga, i would have come.
BTW i never stopped reading ur posts and ur episodes ROCK!!! i looooooooooooove ur writing, exactly like a single gal in q8, i dont comment but i always read whenever i can, cuz i get soooooooo busy with stuff in life either work, socializing taking of myself, as what u said when u were tagged "i need more me time for pampering myself", but i still love 2 go 2 family gatherings, meetinng with friends and going out, u know stuff, i cant find the tim 2 blog, but i'll try 2, and allah ya6eech alafiyah on ur writings!

At 3:08 AM, Blogger Spontaneousnessity said...

it took me a while to realize Ramadhan was over too, I as well had my doubts..

glad you had fun, mine was eye infected and didn't even do visits, yalla maybe next eid =}

At 9:50 AM, Blogger MissCosmoKuwait said...

Pink! Wainich entay??? So glad you pass by and thanks for the sweet comments...I kept wondering where you went..inshallah this time you'll stay in touch..welcome back and hope you're here to stay..:) I'm hoping we can do another get together with the ladies bloggers so keep coming back for that announcement.. sorry to hear about your eye infection...salamat...hope you're feeling better and inshallah we'll see you before next Eid!..:)


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