Reflections of A Princess

Friday, November 18, 2005

Ace Ventura - Kuwaiti Style

Have you ever walked into a Kuwaiti Police Station asking if they've seen your dog?

In any other country, this would sound perfectly normal but when the three Bedouin policemen sitting at the reception having their tea looked up to see us (two women asking them if they'd seen this dog as they showed them a picture) the site of the men's faces was to die for! I just wish I had a camera at that moment to share their expression with you!

Here I was with one of my closest friends, an American who calls her dogs her babies at the police station trying to find her lost dog. He'd disappeared from her house for the past two days.

We had casually walked into the Bayan Police station wearing our jeans and T-shirt and with a voice to melt even the coldest of hearts I said "Low sama7t rifeejti al amreekiya thaya3t chalbha...tigdiroon tesa3doona?"

Granted I knew that my actions were ridiculous but being helpless in this situation, I felt it was necessary to leave no stones unturned. Besides, had they'd been saving a life rather than drinking tea, I would not have considered such extreme measures especially with a country that may not care too much for a man's bestfriend. Ok..I know not all...but on average! Not to mention the fact that I sometimes have been pleasantly surprised by the help of government employees so why not try.

The three stooges stared at us in disbelief and as always the sense of humor kicks in and the first young policemen says "Taboon terfa3oon kathiya 3ala al chalb?"

I giggled and turned to the older policemen who looked at us with distaste as he said bluntly "la walla ma nigdar nesa3ed".

Patiently, I said "e7na ma nabee shay, bass may 7'alif tegoloolna etha shoftooh?" as I handed the younger one the flyer that had the dog's picture. The Middle aged policemen who had been silent as he watched the whole scene suddenly said "Afa 3alaikum hathreen."

I could finally feel my tension release as we thanked them and walked out. At least one guy was kind enough to save me any more embarrassment! The main thing was that we tried. Whether they come through, only time will tell.

We then decided to scan the streets of Bayan with the three other dogs in the backseat as we stuck posters at jam3iyas. Of course being that we wanted to be professional, we'd ask for the manager of the jam3iya if we could have permission to hang the posters up. One Kuwaiti Manager looked at us and said with the typical sleazy smile..."El chalb hatha akeed 3azeez 3alaikum" he curled the end of his moustache....YUCK! Naturally I wanted to clobber him but we needed his help so I said the "ya366eek el 3afya" stuff and for once in my life I hoped this sleazy guy would actually call!

Next was to find the boys of the fareej, you know, boys of the hood kinda guys. Though I know some can be trouble but based on my experience, as soon as you ask the boys of the fareej for help, they come through in flying colors. Some said they'd never seen him, some cracked jokes that we're looking for a dog who's 15 years old "Oooollllla..min sijkum?!".they'd say..and some actually were on their bikes showing us were they'd seen the dog last.

Six hours later and still no dog as night time had sunk in as well as my friend's depression.

Though the day was full of adventures, sadly we have yet to find the dog so if you happen to have a heart, please help a lady find her baby...her blog is Rants and Raves please consider yourselves Ambassadors on a mission and make her feel that Kuwait has a heart...she's also mentioned a reward...but you bloggers don't look the type that care much for'd simply do it 'coz you've got a heart...right?


At 12:31 PM, Blogger Jan6a said...

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At 12:32 PM, Blogger Jan6a said...

Oh sorry sorry didn't see the link over there. My baad !

At 3:39 PM, Blogger 3baid said...

Good lucking finding it. Maybe you should ask Judy?

At 4:56 PM, Blogger cosimfree911 said...

inshalaa telgaah

and for real dog is man bestfriend i know that for fact

At 5:14 AM, Blogger Delicately Realistic said...

Hehehe poor dog.
I hope he isnt being harrassed by the kids!

At 5:15 AM, Blogger Delicately Realistic said...

and by the way..

why is the 'makhfar' such a taboo place in Kuwait for a woman?

Personally Ive been to half of them! :P Kilyom car accident. Hehehehe

At 5:58 AM, Blogger Temetwir said...

i think the police/jam3eya ma kan lah da3i + waste of ur time.. el "wer3aan" kafy, ma3endehom mani3 ye6egonha ifraara lain yelgona wedegon 3alaikom .. so yeah thats that

dCC, 3ayal akeen enty eli kel yom tedisheen feni 3al dowaar o etnadeen okhoch .. o awal ma ndish el makhfar tgoleen 7ag el mo7agig eny kent dayis 3ashan te6le3en menha

At 8:26 AM, Blogger MissCosmoKuwait said...

3baid..thanks...why would you think Judy could help? Is she psychic?

cosimfree911...inshallah! You're absolutely right..he is man's bestfriend...I was thinking of getting one...but then I would've gone into a depression now..if i'd lost I think I'm better off right now..

DR...well just proved that you're a typical Gemini...according to the horoscopes...the number one sign who have the most accidents are GEMINIS!! They're minds are busy so much that they just can't be bothered to look where they're going..:)...and the Capricorns are supposedly the safest drivers.. far el wer3an haven't found him I'm fresh out of ideas!

At 2:31 PM, Blogger Delicately Realistic said...

Looooooooooool Cosmo! Loved that. Shall i tell you another secret about how Im so self absorbed? Tara I dont even notice the traffic in Kuwait when I go out! I just don't notice!

wv: ontray (entre in a very bad french accent) or (on 'the' tray)

At 9:46 PM, Blogger U.E. said...

ohhhh, I hope she finds him! So sad. :-( Might check with PAWS to see if they've had a report of him.


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