Reflections of A Princess

Sunday, November 27, 2005


I'm having a bad week...actually partly a depression mixed (if there is such a word)...first I work my ass off to please my Boss who not only didn't appreciate the work I did...she is now setting up a meeting to critisize a wonderful event I pulled off! Next, I go to the bookfair and I'm standing there reading an English book when this American women wearing a burgu3 is standing next to her Mulla husband with his short dishdasha and long beard..SHE says to me..."they're taking people away from their religion" and begins to spit at me and the book!...WTF! God I need therapy to get over this one...

My personal life is non-existant 'coz I'm working all the time...I'm not being paid enough even though I work 24/ Boss calls me at 1:30 in the morning to ask me about something that could've been handled tomorrow morning....ARRGHGGHH....I'm about to have a nervous breakdown....I'd like to reshuffle my life but I don't know how...I can't do anything without a plan....are there any islands where normal people live 'coz I'm sick and tired of the dysfunctional people that I have to deal with around me.....and this stupid stuff..St. Johns Wort herb that is supposed to make you feel good...well...IT SUCKS...doesn't do jack shit...

Ok...I just took a deep breath...I need to go back to doing Yoga more regularly..I need lots of TLC to make work irrelevant...and God...please...please..let there be a grand opportunity that falls in my lap so I can tell this crazy women Boss of mine to TTJASI.....(you figure it out!)


At 5:31 AM, Blogger Delicately Realistic said...

Awwww 7ayati :*
You poor thing....hope things start slowing down for you love...! Why don't you make time for a massage or something to unwind a little. If you don't have time take a hot bubble bath which is the next closest thing if you don't have much time on your hands. I really dont know what TTJASI is :) Anyways...hope u feel better sweetie :*************

At 5:39 AM, Blogger Temetwir said...

so? ............ QUIT
or ask for a transfer to a dept where the 'boss' is known to be gentle and professional (man or woman)

doesnt sound like a plan, not sure but u dont mention it in the post?

*whats with the munagaba, what were u reading
*whats TLC

At 6:00 AM, Blogger Baroque said...

hehe u should have just slapped her and pulled her husband by his beard...

;P~ stupid people..!

anywayz hang in there..
and if u're really unappreciated then quit and find somewhere where they know u're worth ;)

and if all else fails, get ice cream its bound to make u feel better! (but not too much, u'll get worse ;p)

At 10:10 AM, Blogger Jan6a said...

Hopefully by next week things will look up for you :)

ASI - and shut it?

TTJ ? Hmm.. i'll get back to you on that one.

At 11:00 AM, Blogger Jewaira said...

Shocking that someone should do that to a stranger at a book fair. How infuriating!

And sounds to me like you should not allow your boss to call you up after hours, especially not in the middle of the night- no matter how urgent. You should divide work and home time

At 1:06 PM, Blogger Hanan said...

So to combine previous comments: get a massage (soooo right), get ice-cream (even righter:), or, if all else fails, find another job (not so easy though)

So alla ey3eenich and I hope things clear up for you soon.

At 1:47 PM, Blogger MSB said...

How did you know she was American?

Good luck with the job. From experience, nothing is worth you getting this worked up over. If your boss doesn't appreciate you, it's her loss. Start looking for something else! Ma teswa 3laich!

hehe & for those of you who need help with the abbreviation: Take This Job And ... well, u figure out the rest!

Tem: TLC = Tender Loving Care :)

At 1:59 PM, Blogger Jan6a said...

ma3qoola? Take this job and shut it?

or is it : To the Ja7eem and shove it?

At 2:07 PM, Blogger A3sab said...

are you gonna tell us what TTJASI is?
you should've given that lady the finger

At 5:47 PM, Blogger MSB said...

"Take This Job And Shove It!!"

I can't explain beyond this! You'll have to go back to the author for more explanation! :)

At 9:50 PM, Blogger MissCosmoKuwait said...

DR...thanks habeebti...I'd love to go for a massage but if she'd let me breath...believe me..the minute I get one afternoon off...that's what I'm gonna do...and about the TTJASI...thanks to msb...who figured it's Take This Job and Shove it!!..:)

Temetwir...that's the golden opportunity that I'm looking for...hopefully something will show TLC..that stands for Tender, Loving Care...

Charisma...thanks habeebti...Ice Cream sounds wonderful...and for now...I still would like to have a decent plan before I do something drastic and's Mercury Retrograde and they say you shouldn't make drastic decisions until it's I'll have to wait for this weekened before I decide what to do!

jan6a...thanks babe..I hope so too....ASI = And Shove It!..:)...TTJ = Take This Job..;)

jewaira...long time no see! First..let me say..I'm so glad you enjoyed the show...makes me feel better! do you tell her not to call you without sounding rude!!...As much as I'd love to tell her..but I never want to feel like ana any advise will be very much appreciated!

hanan...thanks habeebti...words of comfort go along way with me..:)...Sometimes I wish I wasn't raised to be so dedicated with a concious..if you know what I mean...I feel guilty taking the day off even when I'm so sick! How stupid is that!

msb...good question...she was very tall...spoke with a southern accent and her kids were blondes and called her Mommy..and sorry if this sounds weird...but I have the tendency to recognize people's nationalities through the sound of their voice....I believe each nationality has a distinct voice..for example...if you listen'd recognise it too! .Thanks for the words of're's not worth it...and thanks for being the smartest one and figuring out the TTJASI!..:)..

a3sab...well...I so wanted to do that...but the problem is..I was on duty that night..and I didn't want to explain to my (unappreciative) Boss why I gave the woman a finger!! And ofcourse by now you know what TTJASI means!..:) Hope you're days are getting settled down..I know you've been pretty busy lately too!

At 11:36 PM, Blogger U.E. said...

I thought you had a bit of a dark cloud around you the other night... I was to absorbed trying to shake mine to be a very good friend and I'm sorry. :-(

You MUST join us for an evening activity soon. You can't change your boss (lord knows I've tried!) or just quit your job but nothing like a room full of flirty men to put you a little glow back in your aura!

At 12:57 AM, Blogger MissCosmoKuwait said...

unknown that's the best plan ever!!!!! I'm in desperate need to feel flirty men will do the long as they don't suffer from OMPS..aka..Older Men Pervert Syndrom...Flirty men here I come!..:)

At 8:11 AM, Blogger Nooni said...

YAL MAYNOOONA :P (with my naughty voice)

how does that makes you feel?

Love oh love dont bug your self with such bossy women ...sorry but its always like that when you have a women as a BOSS!! moz3eja etseer o la3eeeeena
how about you slap her on her butt

ta3alay TTJASI refers to ...
tell me tell me tell me :) EBLEEZ :*

(BIG HUG lovley lady)
find your self a new job 9adgeeney

At 9:15 PM, Blogger MissCosmoKuwait said...

sugarcoma glad you dropped by and so sorry that you're suffering the same..I say we all go on strike! Thanks for your 2 cents..I loved hearing it!..;)

KG...shoppping spree sounds perfect!...Glad I made you laugh..and where have you been GIRL??!!!..Long time no see!..

At 7:02 AM, Blogger Flamingoliya said...

i can't believe what that woman did to you at the bookfair!
c'est impossible!!! chithi el brain washing?!!?


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