Reflections of A Princess

Monday, July 17, 2006

Middle East From Space

American TV covered the space shuttle launch today and asked the astronaut what part of the earth could he see "Right now, I see our beautiful earth as we pass over the Middle East. It really is a beautiful scene and I wish that we could all just get along."

That was the first thing I heard this morning when I woke up and switched on the TV on MBC4..I couldn't help but wonder how stupid we must look from up there...not from the space shuttle but from further Allah's eyes...and I don't just mean the Middle East...I mean the world in general...

On another note, why couldn't I have the courage to join the Hilal el a7mar and have the guts to pick up body parts when disaster strikes or maybe possibly save a few lives...I hate being a 7'eee7'a...!


At 7:31 AM, Blogger CyberRowdy(Q8TechDrive) said...

but believe me, americans are too bad with geography okay? did you see that documentary in cnn where they wanted people to locate where Iraq is in the world map...most of them thought its near to brazil...some thought its next to france....tired of this, cnn guy asked them to locate where texas and florida is...they pointed to the west and said its near was really funny...

who knows, but may be space guys are bit more aware of the world!

At 9:23 AM, Blogger Temetwir said...

as for the constant non-stop wars

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

وإذ قال ربك للملائكة إني جاعل في الأرض خليفة قالوا أتجعل فيها من يفسد فيها ويسفك الدماء ونحن نسبح بحمدك ونقدس لك قال إني أعلم ما لا تعلمون


i guess it all really takes is listen here

يا بني إسرائيل اذكروا نعمتي التي أنعمت عليكم وأوفوا بعهدي أوف بعهدكم وإياي فارهبون

and later,

ولا تلبسوا الحق بالباطل وتكتموا الحق وأنتم تعلمون

and later,

أتأمرون الناس بالبر وتنسون أنفسكم وأنتم تتلون الكتاب أفلا تعقلون * الذين يظنون أنهم ملاقو ربهم وأنهم إليه راجعون * يا بني إسرائيل اذكروا نعمتي التي أنعمت عليكم وأني فضلتكم على العالمين * واتقوا يوما لا تجزي نفس عن نفس شيئا ولا يقبل منها شفاعة ولا يؤخذ منها عدل ولا هم ينصرون

and later, bas 3ashan elwa7ed yestaw3eb "3agleyat" ely ga3deen net3aamal ma3ahom belthab6, besmelah elra7man elra7eem

وإذ قال موسى لقومه إن الله يأمركم أن تذبحوا بقرة قالوا أتتخذنا هزوا قال أعوذ بالله أن أكون من الجاهلين * قالوا ادع لنا ربك يبين لنا ما هي قال إنه يقول إنها بقرة لا فارض ولا بكر عوان بين ذلك فافعلوا ما تؤمرون * قالوا ادع لنا ربك يبين لنا ما لونها قال إنه يقول إنها بقرة صفراء فاقع لونها تسر الناظرين * قالوا ادع لنا ربك يبين لنا ما هي إن البقر تشابه علينا وإنآ إن شاء الله لمهتدون

wa eth gaala mousa le gawmeh ..
ya3ni madri, fi 7ad emthaye3 eb menhom gowm nabyalla mosa mathalan 3la nabeyna w 3laih elsalam?

o mn sorat Yosuf:

نحن نقص عليك أحسن القصص بما أوحينا إليك هذا القرآن وإن كنت من قبله لمن الغافلين

its not "tasleya" y3ni wel3eyaath belaah .. *sigh*
i rest my case


PS: what do u mean at the end? u can volunteer to work now in lebanon? i didnt quite get it, they can get u there??? wela ur commenting on those who work and are there now

At 10:29 PM, Blogger MissCosmoKuwait said...

cyberrowdy...actually the guy that commented had a British I think he was from the United Kingdom!

temetwir....ya36eek alf for the end...El hilal el a7mar are sending truck loads of food and stuff to Lebanon and I saw them helping people..I wasn't sure if they were volunteers...but I wished that I had the guts to stand in the line of fire like that and help out..


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